The Ultimate Guide to Brake Pads

The History of Brake Pads The first caliper-type disc brakes brakes were developed in England during the 1890's by Frederick William Lanchester, who was the first to also patent the designs. His initial designs utilized copper due to the lack of different types of metals, which didn't fair well against the dusty, unpaved roads of the early 1900's. It wasn't until WWII, when planes and tanks began utilizing disc brakes. Some of the early auto companies, such as the Daimler Company, Argus Motoren, and Crosley began to develop vehicles with disc brakes. Since then, there has been various different attempts at changing the braking systems of automobiles, some of which are still used today. How do brake pads work? If you're looking at the wheel of your vehicle, you'll notice a few different parts that make up your brake system . The largest part of your brake system on each wheel is the brake disc (or rotor). This is the part of your brake that rotates, and you...